Friday, April 23, 2010

Prepare For the Great Bird!!!

It's been a really intense, exhilarating, and frustrating week.  I don't want to talk too much about specifics, because I want you to be surprised when you come and see the show, but much has been accomplished.  We've set stuff up, we've torn stuff down... we've smudged, we've laughed, we've stared blankly at each other in frustration, we've argued, and we've persevered.  The Click and The Whir are in place (hello boys), and they look amazing... we have our Great Bird.  Rehearsals have been going very well, and Diana seems very pleased (despite her growing frustration concerning my resistance face looking identical to my processing face... for the record, this is the number one complaint about me from my directors.... they don't know whether I'm fighting them or taking it in).

(Between you and me, I am usually taking it in).

From hereon, things really start to accelerate... we're introducing Jacob's projections tomorrow, and Sharon's lights are arriving Monday.  It's going to be dizzying change after dizzying change, the show is going to grow in leaps and bounds.  Sharon has warned me that our tech days (Tuesday and Wednesday), are going to be the longest most tedious days of my entire life.  I have never teched a show like this before... it's going to be an experience, that's for sure. 

We open in six days.  Yikes.

I was in the bathroom the other day, I looked in the mirror at my exhausted face, and I had to smile.  Here we are, the four of us... working with money raised through fundraisers, grant writing, and personal investment... and instead of going to Paris or paying off debt, or even buying a PS3 (sigh), we're doing what we we're moved to do.  In times like these it's a daring act... and the simple truth of the matter is... there's nowhere else any of us would rather be.  It's a powerful realization, and kind of exhilarating.

We make a great team, Diana, Sharon, Jacob, and me... this ragtag Wingéd foursome... and I am so proud of everything we have done, everything we are doing, and everything we are going to do.  I am so proud of our courage and our integrity.  It takes the sting of the most frustrating day completely away.

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