Saturday, April 10, 2010

Simplicity and Idea Keys

The exciting thing about ideas is that they can change... like the map I drew (see below).  It took about an hour of fussing and working through things with Diana before we realized the staging idea looked pretty enough on paper and was sound in concept... but it just wasn't going to work.  In a heavily ironic flash of brilliance, it hit us both... there was no need to reinvent the wheel.  The existing staging ideas from the production of Sunstroke: Icarus Speaks we did at the Rhubarb Festival were simple, beautiful, and served the piece.  The second we tried it, everything fell immediately into place.  There were so many spectacular possibilities about doing the piece in a new space... but when you find yourself in a new ballgame, I suppose it's easy to get distracted by possibility instead of building on what you have... lesson learned.

I am happy to say some amazing discoveries come out of the epicycles exercise, as they often do... sometimes, the best ideas are cleverly disguised keys to open doors to other places.

Speaking of other places, here is the article about the play in Xtra... it's always a little terrifying to read an article someone else wrote about your show when you're a control freak... but it's great (thank you, Serafin).  The posters are out in the world, I'm handing out postcards like a madman, the show is definitely starting to pierce the social consciousness.  It's a very satisfying thing to have people you haven't talked to in a while ask you about your show... it means word is getting out. 

This week, things kick up a notch in a big all consuming way... I'll keep you in the loop as best i can.

It's going to be a very special, very important show... for reasons I already know, and lots of reasons I don't... but I have this... very special feeling about it...  up, up, and away!

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